Vocal Performance offers vocal training in both speech and singing. Training can be conducted in both Danish and English.
Speech Technique
Learning proper speech technique provides you with simple, concrete and very efficient tools for optimising the use of you voice and enhance your communicative performance in any speech situation. You can also learn about how to prevent functional voice problems such as vocal fatique, hoarseness or lack of enough air for speaking.
You can either get 1:1 coaching sessions in speech technique or you can get courses for groups and teams in your worksplace focusing on presentation technique, personal communication and optimal speech technique. Both individual sessions and group courses are tailor made to meet your wishes and needs within speech and communication.
You can also chose to follow the specially designed programme for Non-Native English speakers.
Feel free to contact me for more information.
Singing Technique
Learning proper singing technique provides you with valuable tools for expressing yourself musically in singing. You can learn about the correct use of your singing voice and all the technical tools you can use to sound just the way you like. With correct singing technique you can avoid functional vocal problems such as hoarseness and you can improve your range and freely express yourself vocally.
You can get 1:1 singing lessons. Singing lessons are structured around your wishes for your singing, and both beginners and experienced singers are welcome. Feel free to contact med for further information.
Get more power and credibility
Project your voice
Avoid functional voice problems
Enhance your speaking skills to promote your professional success in an international working environment.
Be able to sing whatever you like
Get the sound you want
Avoid functional vocal problems